Support Justice First
Help support services for people seeking safety & security in the UK
All gifts will be most gratefully received and will be personally acknowledged.
If you are a UK taxpayer, then we can claim from HM Revenue and Customs an extra 25% on the face value of your gift at no additional cost to you. Simply make your cheque payable to ‘Justice First’ and we will send you a Gift Aid Declaration to sign and return to us. This is among the simplest government forms ever devised.
If you are in the area you can make a Cash deposit at our office.
Donate via BACS
BACS transfer to the Justice First bank account, the details are as follows:
Bank name: CAF Bank
Bank account name: Justice First Ltd
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00030694
Use payment reference: Donation
Donate via Cheque
Cheque payable to Justice First Ltd
Bank name: CAF Bank
Bank account name: Justice First Ltd
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00030694