Support and Services

Services we can support with

  • General legal advice for people seeking asylum and refugees.

  • Leave in Line application (for UK born children of refugees).

  • Asylum, human rights, humanitarian protection applications.

  • Fresh asylum claims.

  • Asylum Appeals following refusals.

  • Section 120 Notices.

  • Family Reunion Applications.

  • Settlement (protection route) applications.

  • Applications for permission to work.

(updated: July 2024)

We are currently unable to offer support for immigration applications.

We do however host a qualified lawyer from the Immigration Advice Centre on a weekly basis, who can offer 30 minutes free immigration advice. To book an appointment with this lawyer, please phone our office on 01642 601122

Recognising the importance of your immigration concerns, we recommend exploring assistance from other firms within the Tees Valley area:

  • Halliday Reeves Law Firm 0330 133 7777
  • Immigration Advice Centre 10642 219222
  • Iris Law Firm 01642 256480
  • Collingwood Immigration Services 0191 640 4661
  • Edwards Immigration Services 01642 230337
  • Immigration Advice Services 07377 525835

Our Clients

Our clients come from some of the most troubled regions in the world. They are typically fleeing violence, war, oppression and discrimination.

They have come to the UK seeking safety and a chance to start afresh and make a new life for themselves.

In order to be allowed to remain here, asylum seekers must prove to the Home Office that it is dangerous for them to return to their country of origin. Refugees often escape their country of origin with no documentation that can prove their nationality, age, religion or ethnicity.

The oppression that they are fleeing may be racial or religious, or because of their sexual orientation or political affiliation.  It is often not easy to prove that they face danger should they return and many fail to do so at their first attempt. Asylum seekers in this position are not eligible for legal aid and often feel desperate and trapped into hiding from officialdom and tempted into entering the illegal economy as their only means of survival.

Justice First works to encourage them to re-engage with the legal process and supports them with advice from qualified specialists in immigration law and with practical help. Justice Frist promotes its services through other organisations and charities on Teesside that support refugees and asylum seekers and many, if not most, of our clients, find out about us through word of mouth – the recommendation of others who have used our services.

We do not employ lawyers, but our staff have been trained in relevant legal areas of migration law and Justice First is OISC (Office of Immigration Services Commissioner) level 2 registered. The expertise of our staff is widely recognised. It is important for them to keep up to date with recent changes in legislation and regulations and, in particular, the growing importance of the use of Article Eight of the Human Rights Act, which protects the right to respect for a private life, family life, and a home. This can be used by asylum seekers who have children in the UK to build a case for them to be granted leave to remain here, but they cannot receive legal aid to pay a lawyer to act for them. This is an area of work in which demand is growing.

Please call our office on 01642 601122 or via email at for further information or to make an appointment.
You can also reach us on Twitter or Facebook